Powerful stock tracking tool for Nordic Stock Markets operated by OMX Nasdaq.
Track stocks and indices from number of Nordic countries - Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania at one place.
Stocks and Indices from following exchanges are supported -
- OMX Stockholm, Sweden (Stockholm Stock Exchange)
- OMX Copenhagen, Denmark (Copenhagen Stock Exchange or CSE)
- OMX Helsinki (OMXH), Finland (Helsinki Stock Exchange)
- OMX Iceland, Iceland (Iceland Stock Exchange or ICEX)
- OMX Riga, Latvia (Riga Stock Exchange)
- OMX Tallinn, Estonia (Tallinn Stock Exchange)
- OMX Vilnius, Lithuania (Vilnius Stock Exchange or VSE)
* Quotes for stocks and indexes are displayed in separate tabs.
* Full portfolio functionality with feature to track stocks and portfolio performance over the period of time
* Ability to search and add the stocks, indexes in your list.
* Full stock/index details are displayed with charts.
* Support for daily, weekly, monthly and yearly full screen charts.
* Customizable list with ability to remove and add stocks/indexes.
* Quotes for exchange traded funds.
* Fully optimized for tablet view
* Support for News related to stocks
For any feedback, bug/issue reporting and feature requests please contact at codeandro@gmail.com